Acne, a cruel assault on nearly every person’s skin, is expected to come about at least once in each person’s life. Often affecting the face, acne is never welcome, especially when it crashes your job interview, party or your entire teenage years. Worst yet, acne is not always a temporary affliction as it can often leave an indelible mark on your skin when it leaves, creating a permanent mark on your self-esteem. So, whether it’s a couple of blemishes from a random breakout or large patches of cystic acne, here are some tips on preventing scarring due to a breakout.



Reduce inflammation

Inflammation is the primary cause of acne scarring. Therefore, getting the inflammation under control, especially in the case of cystic acne, is the first line defense in reducing scarring potential. Avoid harsh cleansers, aggressive skin care techniques, and consult our experts about what you can do to calm your inflamed and irritated skin.

Don’t poke your pimples

Don’t pop your pimples!

Even if it’s the most satisfying thing you’ve done all day, popping your pimples or blackheads will lead to no good. Squeezing your zits will create inflammation, cause damage and can force the infectious material even deeper, causing the blemish to take longer to heal and possibly spread further—all leading to an increased chance of scarring. Save your future skin by leaving the extraction to the experts and download a pimple popping app if you need to get your fix.



Don’t pick your scabs

While this rule applies to every wound, it especially applies to your acne. Your scabs are like band aids, protecting the skin underneath as it goes through the healing process. When you rip off the scab, you risk reinjuring the tissue and causing more scar tissue to form to combat the vulnerability.


Practice safe sun

A lot of times, people who suffer from acne will avoid sunscreen out of fear of the pore-clogging potential. The bad news is that UV light causes inflammation of the skin which will aggravate and incite further breakouts- risking further damage. UV rays from the sun also stimulate melanin production and break down collagen, meaning dark spots and scars not protected by sunscreen can get darker and more noticeable. Also, sun exposure dries out your skin, leading to increased oil production, resulting in more pore-clogging breakouts! Invest in a non-comedogenic sunscreen and limit your solar exposure if you want to avoid flaring up your acne and reduce the chance of causing and accentuating scarring.

Don’t skimp on skin care

Whether you’re in the middle of a full-blown breakout, or in between pimples, it’s imperative that you stay consistent with your skin care. Talk to our experts at SkinGlow about the best skin care routine for you, and stick with it. It’s not “out of sight, out of mind” when it comes to acne, and being lax in your skin care can lead to the next potentially damaging flare-up.

Regardless if you are pre-breakout, have a face full of acne, or already suffer from post-breakout scarring, the professionals at SkinGlow are here for you to create a customized plan for treating and preventing acne breakouts and scars. Whether it’s small scale or a big deal, contact us today to see how we can help you effectively manage your acne and empower you and your skin.