The assessment of your skin’s condition is undoubtedly one of the most overlooked and misunderstood aspects of skin care, and can often be misdiagnosed without the proper tools and knowledge to address it. While your skin care specialist is highly knowledgeable and can often put you on the right treatment path, the use of highly specialized technology will ultimately provide you with the most precise analysis of your skin’s current state, progress, and recommended course of action to help you look your best. Our team’s thorough knowledge of the Visia Skin Analysis technology will help you translate the results into a practical treatment plan, where you can not only track the progress of your results, but gain an understanding of your skin’s future. In this article we will answer a few of the most common questions regarding the use of Visia Skin Analysis. 

What is Visia Skin Analysis? 

The Visia Skin Analysis system uses a dynamic UV photography system to produce a highly sophisticated and accurate representation of your skin’s condition. Not only does the system capture data from the surface of your skin, it gathers information below the visible elements which are impossible to detect with the human eye. Information gathered from below the surface of your skin provides us with critical data on not only the current condition of your skin, but potential problems which may only arise later. The predictive element of this technology allows us to tackle problems in your skin before they arise, beating the vicious and outdated treatment model which let’s the source of problems become visible on the surface of your skin before treating. 

Which Analyses can it perform?

Truskin Age: Used to determine the overall age of your skin and recommended products and treatment options. 

Advanced Aging Simulation: It might be scary to see how you’ll look as father time takes its course. With that said,  the advanced aging simulation technology in our Visia Skin Analysis Machine is a critical component in addressing the future tendencies of your skin, and will ultimately arm you with the weaponry to combat the effects of aging. 

RBX Technology: The updated rbx system found in Visia provides the most in-depth analysis of melanin and vascular conditions which lie unseen beneath the surface of your skin. The information can be further interpreted based on age and ethnicity. 

Comparative Scoring Analysis: While we strive to recognize the uniqueness of your skin, comparing data on UV spots, red spots, brown spots, porphyrins and many other important metrics with statistical averages allows us to gain a broader perspective on which areas we need to work on the most. 

And Many More…

Some of these terms might not initially make sense to you, and that’s ok! That’s why our team of skin care specialists are highly trained in the equipment and can explain the technology in terms of the thing that’s most important to you – your skin! You should be excited to use the latest and greatest technology in skin care, but we also highly stress the importance of seeing a trained professional who can use this technology efficiently. 

If you have any questions regarding Visia Skin Analysis don’t hesitate to give us a call! We’re happy to provide you with a detailed explanation of its benefits and get you started on the journey to unlocking the beauty you deserve!