Acne is one of the most common skin conditions that we come across at the clinic. Acne has a number of causes including hormonal imbalance and stress, and usually presents as red, inflammed pimples on the skin. The appearance of acne can rob you of your confidence, and the prevalence of it can be a cause for frustration.

Thankfully, acne can be treated. Whether you have been dealing with acne for as long as you can remember or just experiencing your first breakout, it is crucial to determine what the cause is in order to provide a suitable solution. By determining the root cause, following our professional advice and seeking the best treatment plan, you can make acne a short-term inconvenience instead of a life-long burden.

Below you will find a brief overview of our most popular and effective acne treatments that we may recommend and include in a treatment plan specifically created for your skin:

Hydrafacial and LED

Widely used by celebrities for flawless skin, the Hydrafacial MD is one of our most popular treatments. It tackles acne by combining deep cleansing, exfoliation, pore extraction, hydration and anti-oxidant protection. Enhance this treatment with LED Light Therapy which kills acne bacteria, reduces redness, and optimizes skin function. Non-invasive and highly effective, this treatment combination scratches beneath the surface to reveal the glowing skin underneath.

Clinical Peels

Our clinical peels are designed to shed dead and unwanted skin cells using only naturally occurring acids. These acids target common skin conditions like acne, and can promote the healing and correction of acne related marks. While reducing the effects of acne, our naturally derived clinical peels also work to smooth, hydrate, and brighten skin tone, allowing your glowing skin to shine through.

Microneedling and Vitamin A Peel

Acne can leave unwanted scarring, but thankfully this can be treated just as effectively as the acne itself. Microneedling is a non-invasive treatment that rejuvenates the skin using microscopic needles, promoting the production of new collagen and elastin. Vitamin A is also a potent stimulator of collagen and elastin. Combining Microneedling with a Vitamin A non acid Peel will feed your skin the nutrients it craves and in doing so will reduce acne lesions and scarring.

Microneedling for Acne


Acne can sometimes seem like one of the most stubborn of skin conditions, but with the help of a skincare professional you’ll find it is one of the most treatable. All of our treatments are specifically created for you, your skin, and your skin concerns. Whether you are looking for a pampering facial to tackle a breakout and reveal your glow, or a treatment plan to tackle a long history of acne and acne scarring, we are here to help.

The first step on your journey towards acne-free skin? Call us today and book an appointment or a Free Acne Consultation!