It’s the start of a new year, which marks the beginning of a brand new chapter and therefore the perfect opportunity to start fresh. As you close the door on 2018, approach this new chapter of your life with good vibes and positive changes no matter how big or small they may be. We’re here to help you kick start the new year with some tips for achieving the ultimate goal: a healthy and happy 2019.

Eat Well

We’re strong believers in the fact that what’s going on on the inside reflects what shows on the outside. A healthy diet should be your first step towards making improvements this year, including beautiful skin with a healthy glow! Eat your fruits and veggies, let them fuel your body and your mind, and watch their benefits shine through for a healthier and happier you.


Stay Hydrated

Give your body (and your skin) what it craves the most this year – hydration! By increasing your daily water intake to 3 litres per day you will notice huge improvements in how you look and feel. Investing in a cute reusable cup or downloading an app that reminds you to drink water are two useful ways to help you with this goal.


Exercise More

There is a reason why the gym becomes a lot busier in January – exercise is something that everyone knows they should be taking part in. Proven to have tremendous physical and mental benefits, improving on your physical ability this year should be high up on your resolution list. It doesn’t matter if you are a heavy weight lifter or brand new to the game, the goal is just to be a little stronger and healthier than you were yesterday.


Sleep Tight

What goes up, must come down! We cannot stress enough the importance of a good night’s sleep for a healthy mind, body, and complexion. If you have trouble catching those 8 hours every night, try reading a book before bed, limiting screen time, and again EXERCISE!

The secret to a happier and healthier you is really this: SELF-CARE. As well as looking after your mind, body, and complexion this year, take time to hang out with friends and family, rediscover old hobbies and interests, and live a life that feeds your soul and serves your purpose.

Book in with us for some well deserved “Self Care” time and let us be part of your journey to healthier skin.

Happy New Year, from the SkinGlow Team XX