What causes acne?

Ever wondered what causes acne? Think those date-destroying blemishes and breakouts only torment teens? Well, if you are one of the millions of adults dealing with acne, you’re probably wondering why the clear-skin gods have passed you by. Truth be told, acne care can be a constant struggle for many folks over the age of 25. Start learning what causes acnes now!

One of the most important ways to zap your zits for good is to get to the root of the problem. To help prevent pestilent pustules from plaguing your pores, here are some of the most common causes of acne and what you can do about it.

Stressing out

What causes acne? Stress! A little stress from time to time can be your friend, helping you cope with life’s unexpected challenges and day-to-day “must dos.” When you are under prolonged pressure, however, your body produces stress hormones like cortisol, boosting inflammation and causing more pore-clogging oil. If your stress levels are in overdrive, take some time for relaxing activities like practicing yoga or meditation. Your body, soul, and skin will thank you.

Touching your faceacne treatment vancouver, what causes acne

We all do it—and most of the time, we are not even aware of it. Touching your face can be a big reason for spots and pimples to crop up. Hands get dirty, collecting a gambit of grime, germs, and bacteria throughout the day. And when your mitts meet your face, breakouts can happen around your chin, cheeks, and jawline. The solution? Wash your hands often. And while you are at it, don’t forget to wipe down your cell phone too. Your smartphone can be a breeding ground for blemish-causing bacteria.

Eating the wrong foods

What you put on your plate can come back to haunt you later in the form of breakouts. There are a wide range of foods that can increase insulin levels, upping the zit factor. For clearer looking skin, eat plenty of whole grains, legumes, and unprocessed fruits and vegetables—and always drink plenty of water. Also, avoid pimple-producing food like pasta, white rice, white bread, dairy, trans fats, and sugar.

Over cleansing

skin glow laser, acne clinic vancouver, what causes acne

This may sound completely backwards, but frequent face washing can cause pimples, adding to your acne woes. Over cleansing and too much exfoliation can strip your skin of moisture, causing it to produce extra oil. So, avoid abrasive skincare products (and yes, we’re talking to the guys too) and keep your washing routine to twice a day.

You love the sun

By now, you already know the dangers of too much sun exposure—premature aging of the skin and skin cancer. But what you might not know is that lying out in the sun or heading off to tanning beds can also lead to breakouts. The drying effects of the sun can cause your skin to overcompensate, triggering more oil production—resulting in a pimple party. Heading out to the beach for a day of fun in the sun? Don’t forget to pack your sunscreen and protective gear.

Here at SkinGlow, we know that no two acne issues are the same. That is why our team of skin specialists work closely with you to design a customized acne care treatment plan to meet your individual needs. Don’t let pimples, blemishes, and scars stop you from being all that you can be.

Learn more about acne skin treatments or our others services like microneedling

For radiant, clear, and blemish-free skin, contact us today!