When you work out, you feel better; and not just because exercise reveals the sculpted muscles you always knew where in there. It goes beyond the psychological benefits (a sharper mind, literally!) to the actual release of the stress hormone cortisol and improved conditions for quality nighttime sleep. The long term benefits of those things will play out on your skin as you ditch tired eyes, a haggard appearance and dull complexion.

So glow on! Here are our top workouts to do in Vancouver this winter –  your skin will thank you.

Ballet Fit at the Ballet Lounge

Strengthen your core and indulge your inner ballerina at the Ballet Lounge on Granville Street. Their popular Ballet Fit, aerobic-style class kicks a regular barre class up a notch by incorporating classical ballet moves at four different levels for a full-body toning session.

Booty Luv at Tight Club Athletics

Get ready for bikini season early with this booty-targeting workout at Tight Club Athletics on Union St. that tightens the tush and strengthens your core. Booty Luv incorporates resistance bands, your weight, and weighted balls that target your butt and leaves you feeling the burn for days.

The MELT Method at The Dailey Method

Held at the popular West 4th location of The Dailey Method, The MELT Method uses a combination of stretches to tap into your body’s neurofascial system to relieve your muscles. Talk about an exercise routine your skin will thank you for as you work on dissolving that wrinkle-causing muscles tension! The benefits of repeated classes is rehydrated muscles, improved sleep, posture, and digestion.

Hot Yoga at The Hot Box

Sweat out tension and toxins while completing toning yoga moves at The Hot Box. The benefits of hot yoga include joint mobility, reduces muscles stiffness, increases circulation and improves skin tone. Hot Box Yoga is 25% cooler than traditional hot yoga studios to promote their clients to “flow, not faint.”

Get Glowing on Grouse

While winter weather can have adverse effects on your skin like dehydration, cold weather can also have multiple benefits. Brisk temperatures improve your sleep (necessary for skin health), keep pores clog-free, reduce puffiness by promoting blood circulation, and rejuvenate skin. So suit up, put on the sunscreen, and head up to the hill for some winter activities!


What’s your favourite winter workout? Share with us on Facebook, or start your own social media group to keep accountable and stick to that New Year’s workout routine!