Micro needling has become increasingly popular over the years. When correctly performed by a trained, experienced skin specialist, micro needling treatments will correct signs of aging, acne, sun damage and other common skin concerns. This minimally-invasive procedure activates a natural healing response in the skin leading to the release of growth factors, and ultimately deposition of new collagen and elastin improving the look, texture and overall appearance of the area treated.

Dermapen: The Gold Standard of Micro Needling Technology

Dermapen has been hailed as the gold standard of micro needling technology, with the Dermapen 3 being the latest and most advanced model of the Dermapen system. Dermapen 3 is extremely fast and effective comparing to other needling devices. It is a safer and faster alternative to laser treatments that causes less trauma to the skin and can help treat all skin types with minimal time.

Conditions Treated

Dermapen Micro Needling can be used to treat a variety of skin concerns such as acne scars, stretch marks, Rosacea, Melasma and aging skin. After a series of treatments, visible results include skin firmness, tightening, improvement in skin texture, and a reduction in wrinkles and scarring.

What SkinGlow Can Do For You

SkinGlow is proud to be the first skin clinic in Vancouver to offer treatments with the latest and most advanced model of the Dermapen System: Dermapen 3.  At Skinglow, we are Dermapen certified practitioners that have had extensive training including one with the world-renowned Dermapen international trainer, Andrew Christie. We are specialized in providing micro needling treatments to men and women using the most advanced protocols ever taught to Dermapen users.

Here are some of the many reasons why you should choose SkinGlow for your micro needling treatments:

  • We are certified, trained and experienced skin specialists who are taught by the best international micro needling trainer.
  • We provide treatments in combination with a customized product routine for best results.
  • We educate clients on their products’ ingredients and how to better care for their skin before, during and after their treatments.
  • Our over-an-hour long treatment allows for the appropriate care to take place (no rush in and out the treatment room).
  • We focus on delivering superior results to all clients at SkinGlow.
  • We not only specialize in collagen induction therapy but we also provide treatments using combination therapy for Melasma, keratosis pilaris, sun damage, active acne, acne scarring, milias, scars and much more.

If you have not had a chance to try this amazing treatment yet, we encourage you to book a complimentary consultation. Call us at 604-566-GLOW (4569) or book online today.

Don’t let the look of your skin bother you anymore. We are here to help you!