What if you could treat your skin to the most powerful facial ever? The one that the celebs rave about and makes them red carpet ready? I’m talking about the HydraFacial MD- a non-invasive and profoundly effective option that works to soften fine lines and wrinkles, even out skin tone and texture, improve elasticity, fade brown spots, clear acne prone skin, and reduce the appearance of pores, all while nourishing and protecting your skin so you can restore its vibrancy. Intriguing, isn’t it? The HydraFacial tackles acne, rosacea, signs of ageing, hyperpigmentation and photo damage, melasma, dullness, and dehydration in each relaxing treatment.

How does it work? The HydraFacial combines deep cleansing, exfoliation, pore extraction, hydration, and anti-oxidant protection, all in one 30-45-minute session. This means that you can treat yourself to a one-off session—perhaps before a big event where you need to put your best face forward—or as part of your regular skin care routine. To give you a better idea of what the HydraFacial is about, here’s a breakdown of each step.


We’re talking deep cleaning here. Think of every nook and cranny that the average daily routine can’t seem to reach. Get rid of all the residue, no matter your skin type! The HydraFacial is customizable, so it can adapt to your personal needs every step of the way.


Slough off dead skin cells and residual makeup to reveal your fresh and vibrant skin underneath. As the most advanced, non-invasive, and non-laser resurfacing treatment, the HydraFacial declutters your skin’s surface without the use of harsh chemical peeling agents and requires no raw-skinned downtime. The exfoliating process also removes build up of cells that allows for better product penetration and preps them for the next benefit.

Pore Extraction

Oh, so satisfying! The HydraFacial device painlessly sucks all the gunk and black matter out of your pores in a way that you have never seen before. You can also view the evidence afterwards if you’re at all curious about what your face had been storing.


One of the benefits of scraping off all those dead skin cells and cleaning out each of your pores is that you now have an environment that is primed for accepting an ample dose of hydration. The HydraFacial will plump up and quench the desert of your face deeper and more effectively than ever before.

Anti-oxidant Protection

Last but certainly not least, the customizable HydraFacial offers a special delivery of antioxidants, hyaluronic acid, and peptides. These magical ingredients will nourish your skin, treat and prevent fine lines and wrinkles, and improve tone, texture, and elasticity.

Whether it’s preparing your face for an important event, or part of your regular routine, the safe and effective HydraFacial MD is for everyone and every skin type. Contact us at SkinGlow to book a treatment and discover what your skin has been missing.