Nighttime is your body’s chance to rest, recuperate, and for your skin to rejuvenate. Ensuring you get a good night’s sleep goes beyond the obvious benefits of a sharp mind and energy to tackle the day; it can affect your complexion. While you sleep, your skin has the chance to repair itself. So, anything less than the recommended 6 – 8 hours of sleep per night can start to show in negative ways like a dull, haggard complexion and dark under-eye circles.

So how do you get a better night’s sleep?

Start the Night Right: Get Better Sleep Through Routine

It starts with setting a good bedtime routine that includes limiting screen time and fluids right before bed. Instead, read a book, journal, meditate or take a warm bath to calm the senses and keep the activity level minimal. And we mean all activity! Your bed should be for sleep and sex, only. This will train your brain that bed = sleep and relaxation. Next, engage in deep breathing exercises and progressive muscle relaxation that starts at the toes and work your way up to fully disengage with the day, and drift off to sleep.

Benefits: improved quality and duration of sleep.

Tomorrow is a New Day: Get Better Sleep Through Stress Management

Your first step to tomorrow’s success is leaving today where it belongs: in the past. If you’ve got deadlines, emotional upsets or physical stress on the brain, you’re going to have a hard time falling asleep. Incorporate tomorrow’s ‘To Do’ list and positive meditation to combat emotions into your bedtime routine, and those stresses will be off your mind and in a journal by your bedside where they belong — until tomorrow when you’re fresh and ready to deal with the day.

Benefits: improved quality of sleep.

More Sunlight: Get Better Sleep by Setting Your Internal Clock

Aim to go to bed every night and get up every morning around the same time; even on weekends! Setting your biological clock this way is part of a healthy sleep routine and improves the quality of sleep you’re bound to get.

Benefits: healthy immune system and circadian rhythm.

Get Better Sleep By Being Healthy

Implementing an exercise routine a minimum of 3 – 4 hours prior to bedtime every day will ensure your body is happily fatigued and you’ll be long past the post-workout “runner’s high” when it’s time to fall into bed. Eating heavy meals along with your caffeine and alcohol intake should also be at least 2 – 4 hours before bed to keep in tune with your body’s natural sleep cycle.

Benefits: mental acuity, physical benefits, hormone boost and a happy digestive system.


When starting a new sleep routine, it’s key to remember that the goal is relaxation; sleep will automatically follow. Better sleep means a sharper mind, healthier body, and glowing complexion; sweet dreams!