
Why are facials so important?

Taking care of your skin is just as important as eating a well-balanced diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep.   Treating yourself to a facial once every 4 to 6 weeks can benefit your skin in many ways.   Besides promoting relaxation, having regular facials have many benefits, including [...]

Why dermapen treatments are better than Fractional Laser resurfacing?

Even though Micro-Needling treatments and Fractional laser resurfacing can treat similar conditions in the skin, they are not exactly the same procedure. These two technologies show similar results - except that they present very different side effects, costs and downtime. When it comes to the choice between having a treatment [...]

What is the Best Hair Removal Technology?

Laser Hair Removal Unwanted hair on the body or face can be frustrating for women and men alike. In an attempt to get rid of hairs on the arms, chest, legs, bikini area, or back, people shave, wax, or tweeze on a regular basis. Unfortunately, the hairs just grow back! [...]


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