Skin Brightening DermaPeel Facial (Face & Neck) – Regular: $299 – PROMO PRICE: $199. Save $100!

No downtime and safe for everyone!. Popular among brides, new moms, and moms to be!

A manual exfoliation done by dermaplaning customized with a brightening Mandelic acid peel and peptides with LED light therapy is the treatment you need for any special events. 

Dermaplaning blade scrapes off dead skin cells while removing peach fuzz allowing for better peel penetration and application. An LED treatment panel is also used to promote healthier, glowing skin and increase your skin’s hydration while promoting relaxation, diminishing redness and improving the overall texture, smoothness and firmness of the skin.

  • All Promos Can be Given as a Gift!
  • Expiration Promotion Policy: All prepaid promotions have a 2-month expiration and can be given as a gift. If you buy more than one promotion treatment, the first treatment must be activated within one month from purchase and the remaining will expire one month from the next.
  • Refund Policy for Promotions: No refunds on prepaid purchase: If the prepaid promotion is purchased and it’s close to the expiry date or you can no longer receive treatment, a credit of the same amount can be used towards products, any other service or be put into a gift card to give it to someone else. We do not offer any refunds on any prepaid treatments.
  • Promotion Consultation: An In-Depth Skin Consultation with a VISIA Skin Analysis ($75 Value) is included with your very first appointment / Or Included for Free again when required to measure your progress.